Sunday, 3 April 2016

Hair Transplant FAQ

Is Getting A Hair Transplant Painful?

This procedure is carried out with a local anesthetic. At no point will you experience any pain, although you may at times feel as if someone is tugging at your hair which is somewhat uncomfortable. You will be awake the entire time and there is no need for you to be sedated.

Does It Leave A Scar?

With an FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction) a micro-punch with a 0.7 mm diameter is used during the extraction phase. The punctures in the scalp are minimal and cure completely within three days leaving minuscule scars that are unnoticeable. You'd have to know exactly where to look and use a magnifying glass to be able to see them.

How Long Does It Take?

This depends on the quantity of follicular units that need to be extracted as well as the characteristics of the hair in the donor zone. Most people should expect the entire procedure to last somewhere between 6 and 8 hours (this includes the break times).

How Long Does It Take For The Transplanted Hair To grow?

After having been transplanted, the follicles go into a "resting phase" that lasts at least 2 months but may last up to 4 months. During this period there will not be any growth. After the "resting phase" growth begins gradually, and the final results are seen anywhere from 8 months to a year after the procedure.

Everybody's hair is different and each case is unique. If at any time after your operation you have doubts as to how things are progressing, you are welcome to come back to the Ailesbury Hair Clinic to speak to your hair transplant professional. At that time it will be easier to more fully explain why your transplanted follicles may be taking longer to grow based on your particular hair type.

How Long Do I Have To Wait Before I Can Go Back To Work?

What we're talking about here is a minimally invasive surgical procedure. There are many men who have had this type of procedure who are back at work the day after their transplants, although most opt to wait 3 days in order for the scabs at the rear donor zone to heal completely. The areas that receive the transplanted follicles take a little longer (about seven days), so If you want to wait until you are absolutely, completely, and unequivocally healed you should make arrangements to take a week off of work.

Can I Play Sports Or Workout After

You should wait at least 7 days until the scabs are gone at which point you can resume your workout routine or play individual sports such as tennis. If you play team sports, you should wait at least a month before resuming this activity as you do not want to risk having the still sensitive tissues to be damaged as a result of contact with other players. If swimming is your exercise of choice, you should wait at least 6 weeks before getting back into the pool (the same goes for the sauna).

Is It Expensive?

FUE is a manual procedure that is carried out by trained medical professionals. It is a procedure that takes time. There is never really such a thing as "a great bargain" when we're talking about medicine. At AilesburyHair Clinic, our prices are competitive considering the high level of care and service that we provide. The final cost caries depending on an individual patient's needs, and it is going to be necessary to first have a thorough consultation.

Are There Other Techniques Other Than FUE?

Another hair transplant method is the so-called "strip method" in which an entire strip of the scalp is taken from a donor area and then divided in order to obtain follicles that can then be implanted in the desired, bald area of the head. This technique leaves significant permanent scarring in the rear area of the head that serves as the donor area—this area has to be closed with sutures. Furthermore, the strip method requires that the patient be heavily anesthetized and sedated during the operation. You can also expect a much longer and much more difficult recovery time with the strip method.

Basically, if the FUE method is a precision attack with the most state-of-the-art drone targeting one specific target, the strip method is a bombing run in World War II. So yes, there are other hair transplant methods, but none is as effective or sophisticated as the FUE method.

Furthermore, the AHI (Aesthetic Hair Integration) variant that we practice here at Ailesbury Hair Clinic is the most advanced application of FUE that has yet to be developed. 

Monday, 7 March 2016

The hair transplant process

These days, nobody has to put up with thinning hair, regardless of whether they're male or female. The hair transplant process has evolved to deliver greater comfort and convenience to patients at increasingly affordable prices.

The Ailesbury Hair Clinic uses a hair transplant process called the AHI procedure. This is ideal for treating thinning hair and pattern baldness in both men and women and it doesn't require a stay in hospital or complicated care after the procedure's been carried out. Although the procedure does involve an anaesthetic, it's minimally invasive and all patients have the opportunity to meet their surgeon along with the anaesthetist in advance of the procedure for peace of mind and to ensure everything goes smoothly.

Normally, the scalp is shaved prior to treatment but patients who prefer this not to happen can meet their surgeon first and, subject to the surgeon's approval, the procedure can go ahead without complete shaving. In general, this approach is approved for female patients but the final decision must rest with the surgeon and will depend on various individual patient factors.

The AHI technique can transplant as many as 3,500 strands of hair in one session from what's known as the ‘donor site’ to the areas on the head in need of the hair, called the ‘recipient site’. Grafts are taken from the donor site (which can be anywhere on the body) using hair follicles that are resistant to balding. The extraction is carried out using a very advanced method involving a highly specialised extractor tool with a very fine punch (of 0.5-0.8 mm diameter) and no scarring is left at the donor site following the hair extraction. Since hair grows naturally in groupings of 1 to 4 hairs, known as 'follicular units', these are transplanted using a special implanter pen that grafts the hair to the recipient site.

The new hair is very concentrated with up to 60-70 hairs implanted per square centimetre so that when it starts to grow normally and naturally after the procedure it will appear thick and will thrive for many years into the future as a permanent feature on the patient's head. After undergoing the AHI procedure at the Ailesbury Hair Clinic, thinning hair and baldness will be a thing of the past.

Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Hair Transplant options

Are you suffering from a receding hairline? 

Many services online promise an effective cure, but in reality, there is only one sure-fire solution: a hair transplant.

There are many varied reasons as to why a person may desire a hair transplant - certain people undergoing gender reassignment may want to alter the appearance of their hair, for example. For the most part, however, men obtain hair transplants to fix baldness and receding hairlines.

After all, baldness is a concern for any man. Our society places great value on hair as an aspect of a person's appearance, so it is no surprise that a person will typically want to keep their hair in the best condition possible. In the past, there was no effective solution for baldness or receding hairlines; in the present day, however, a hair transplant is a quick and easy way to regain lost hair, one that more and more men around the world are discovering each year.

Ailesbury Hair Clinic offers an inexpensive and efficient hair transplant service. As with other hair clinics, the procedure offered here is a matter of transplanting hair follicles from the back of the head to the hairline. Ailesbury Hair Clinic stands out thanks to its usage of a 0.7mm mechanised extractor for transplanting hair follicles - a tool that ensures that the hair on the donor region is left unharmed and visibly unaltered by the transplant procedure. In addition, a single procedure at Ailesbury Hair Clinic can involve the relocation of around 6000 to 7000 hair follicles - making the process speedy as well as effective.

Ailesbury Hair Clinic provides examples of testimony from past clients, who are delighted with the results of their hair transplants and willing to show their new hairlines off to the world. See for yourself why hair transplants are becoming increasingly popular to men suffering from receding hairlines!

Anybody who is interested in the hair transplants offered by Ailesbury Hair Clinic and would like to know more is encouraged to get in touch with the company, as it offers confidential online consultation that aims to answer any questions offered by prospective clients.

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

How to deal with thinning hair

Around 40% of men will have to deal with some degree of hair loss by the age of 35, and the figure raises by over 50% by the age of 60. For most men, experiencing some kind of hair loss is an inevitable symptom of aging, although for countless others, the affects of more pronounced and premature hair loss can be crippling to self-esteem and body confidence.

Many men simply accept hair loss, with British men leading the pack for those least likely to do anything about it. In fact, over three-quarters of British men surveyed about hair loss believed the process couldn't be prevented. At the Ailesbury Hair Clinic, we not only help stave off the progression of hair loss, we can help revitalize and restore a healthy head of hair.

Common causes of hair loss in men

Although thinning hair can be the result of any one of a number of conditions, the number one cause of hair loss in men is Male Pattern Baldness (MPB). MPB is a genetic condition that causes an excess buildup of a hormone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a bi-product of testosterone production, which can attach to hair follicles, shrinking and damaging them over time. The condition can be passed down by one or either parent, meaning some sufferers are often surprised by the initial onset of crown thinning and hair loss, and are unprepared to deal with the progression and management of their condition.

Signs and symptoms

A receding hairline is often the telltale sign of male pattern boldness and a signature symptom of almost every hair loss disorder found in men. Those suffering this pattern may experience hair receding all the way to the crown, leaving behind a trademark 'widow's peak'. Other sufferers may be experience hair loss of the crown, while others might notice a more widespread thinning of hair across the entire scalp.

Hair loss treatment at Ailesbury

Whatever's causing your hair loss, you're guaranteed a bespoke treatment to help restore and replenish a natural head of hair at Ailesbury. Patients will be prescribed a treatment tailor-made to their needs, with expert one-on-one consultations to establish the progress of your condition, hair density and what treatment specs are best suited to you.

Aesthetic Hair Integration

When it comes to combating the aesthetic affects of hair loss, there's numerous treatments available to patients. At Ailesbury, we recommend the FUE(Follicular Unit Extraction) method of hair restoration, an innovative process where the hair follicle is gently extracted and expertly implanted at a refined angle and direction to create a more natural looking result. You're guaranteed great results when you opt for FUE, with non-invasive procedures that require no sutures, scalpels or strip extraction.

The AHI variation of this method is that we use a specially designed implantation pen to place hair follicles at exactly the correct angle and direction, in order to create extremely natural results. There is no need to use scalpels, sutures or surgical strip extraction during the procedure as the whole approach is minimally invasive. The hair transplant procedure is fully guaranteed.

Looking to deal with thinning hair? Get in touch with the Ailesbury Hair Clinic to discuss setting up a consultation with one of our experts and see how we can help you today.